Film cam stories
It was Stone who introduced me to the world of film cams; he got a good sense for the cameras that he handles. I was a bit surprise for the very first time when he showed me all the pictures he took from his film camera. Still remember that picture he showed me of his ex-girlfriend, the color was moody and every time I take pictures on my DSLR, I have to spend hours to settle in a color I like. However, there it was, the best way it can be. I do not want to be a spoiler and yet I have to say that my first film cam story is a flop one. after spending a quite long time thinking about getting a film cam Amy's dad break the story to me, he possesses an old or maybe I should address an ancient film cam. I was again really surprised to see such a lovely camera in his possession, it was a Cosina, I’m sure for most of us it is not a familiar name, it is a brand from Japan, a good one. They modeled the camera just like a Nikon FE. I got two lenses along with it a 35mm prime and a 50...